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  • Solar air-conditioning

  • 参考价格:
  • 产品型号:08201107281639
  • 浏览量:
  • 发布者:mf100100
  • 发布日期:2011-7-28


High efficiently, energy-saving, comfortable and money saving, exceeding national first grade energy standard.


2. Durable and long-lived, smooth running. Low-loaded operation of the compressor to extend its duration.


3. Healthy and comfortable, constant temperature and keeping away the normal health problems that arises.


4. It is not DC inverter air conditioner but superior to it because DC inverter type begins to save energy when the indoor temperature reaches the set value, while the hybrid solar air-conditioner runs in the optimal state immediately after starting and it achieves the same effects of traditional air-conditioner with less power consumption.


5. Super luxurious appearance decorates your home. Indoor panel adopts aluminum alloy and wire drawing metal color board to make your house more sparking. Automatic open and close dustproof air outlet.


6. Easy installation, same as the traditional air-conditioner. With strong adaptability, hybrid solar air-conditioner can run at super low and high temperature from-7C to 58C. Eco friendly to all kinds of environment.


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